Wednesday, October 13, 2010

City Girl?

“Uh, you aren’t a country girl….you are from Chicago, Krista!” my husband exclaimed as we were driving through Ohio to a friend’s wedding this summer as I was talking about the rural country side as if it was a long lost relative.  Watching me drive, asking me about my commute, or looking at my calendar it may be clear that I am a city girl to my city husband or to others.  However, a part of recognizing the city girl is also recognizing where I come from and who I am, a white eldest girl from an overgrown Christmas tree farm.
I was reminded of this conversation and this fact recently when I asked three friends to come talk to a group of students about living cross culturally.  They spoke of  the balance between letting a new culture shape who you are becoming but also knowing who you are.  My experience is the more I recognize who I am and what is shaping me the more I am able to embrace about other cultures. 
My prayer is that those serving in the Dwell and YAV programs find this balance while living in communities across this country and the world this year.

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